TNO is the research organisation of applied sciences in the Netherlands with more than 4000 researchers and staff. At national, EU and international level, TNO has been very active in a large number of EU research projects for many years and involved in ETCP, ETPIS and EPBD Buildings Platform. As an independent organisation, TNO performs R&D for governments, the SME sector, large industrial companies, service providers, and non-governmental organisations. TNO research scientists are organised within 3 expertise centres: Technical Sciences; Earth, Environmental and Life Sciences; and Behavioural and Societal Sciences.
TNO develops and implements innovative knowledge in 7 thematic areas, including the ‘Built Environment’ and ‘Energy’. TNO innovation is geared towards better design of construction, management, renovation and maintenance processes, as well as the use of sustainable materials. In innovation areas of energy, TNO is the leading actor in the development of technologies and methods that will enable an energy-producing built environment aligned with ‘2020’ goals by smart use of sustainable energy sources. At the district scale, TNO promotes intelligent energy networks (smart grids) and works towards the creation of reliable energy supplies to replace fossil fuels, particularly by increasing the share of sustainable decentralised energy generation, like solar and wind energy, green gas, biogas and syngas.

Main roles in PROFICIENT

  • Management roles as Project Coordinator and Operational Coordinator.
  • Liaison role in action-learning case in the Netherlands and collaboration with other projects/programmes in EU, especially KIC InnoEnergy Built Environment and EERA in support of SET Plan.
  • Deployment of prototypes of new technology solutions for development of new business cases.
  • Deployment of expertise in energy systems, technology integration, concurrent design, ICT open standards, BIM, Semantic Web, LCC, TCO, performance-based procurement and contracting, and SME business concepts.
  • Mobilisation of professional networks to secure broader impact of knowledge and project results.

Key persons involved

– Frans Koene (Project Coordinator) is a Senior Research Scientist and Project Manager at TNO. He holds a Masters degree in Physics from the Technical University of Eindhoven. Having worked on renewable energy in the built environment for over 15 years, he has acquired a broad knowledge of monitoring, modelling and analysis techniques.

As a project manager he has coordinated several larger EU-projects, among which Demohouse and E-hub and managed numerous national and international consultancy projects.

– Ms. Anita Weggemans (Project Assistant) has more than 6 years experience at TNO. She has taken a management assisting role in many grant research projects, especially in support of the Project Coordinator. Amongst others she has worked and works on the FP7 projects CPSI, SAFIRE, TACTICS, INTACT, IMPACT, MERITS, BESECURE and the H2020 project PAL.

– Ing. Jeroen Brouwer, MSc. is a Research Scientist and Consultant at TNO and holds a professional degree in Construction Engineering, besides his Master of Science in Technology and Policy from the Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). During his study abroad in South Africa, he conducted research on the housing conditions in various townships; he then looked into the sustainability issue of large housing estates in post communism countries in Europe for his MSc thesis. At present he is investigating demographic shrinking and its effects on the housing market, and redevelopment strategies for inner-city areas.

– Dr. Michel Böhms is a Senior Research Scientist with more than 25 years of experience. He studied Computer Science from at Delft University of Technology, with specialisation in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and expert systems. After completion of his thesis (on Computer Integrated Manufacturing) he worked in various National and EU projects (ATLAS, CONCUR, VEGA, GEM, eConstruct, SWOP, InPro, IntUBE, Pantura, and Sinphonie) dealing with ICT development and integration in the construction industry. His expertise covers BIM for ICT integration, ISO STEP (Standard for the Exchange of Product model data), BuildingSmart IFC (Industry Foundation Classes) and W3C SW (the Semantic Web technology involving RDF-XML, OWL, SPARQL/SPIN).

– Dr. Esra Bektaş is a scientific researcher at TNO with five years of experience in architectural design practice. She holds a PhD degree on Knowledge Management from Delft University of Technology (NL), MSc degree on Urban Housing Management from both Erasmus University Rotterdam (NL) and Lund Technical University (SE) and BSc on Architecture from Gazi University (TR). Since her enrollment to TNO, she has been working on various national and EU projects (PANTURA, ECODISTR-ICT, V-Con, ELASSTIC, STREAMER) dealing with the ICT-supported energy-efficient design processes at district level. Her expertise encompasses integrated design, strategic knowledge management and functional design of ICT tools in design and decision making processes.

– Mr. Roel Massink MSc works as a technical consultant for TNO’s expertise center Strategy and Policy. He is involved in several research and consultancy projects dealing with topics on the interface of urban development, energy efficient buildings and resource efficiency. Improving sustainability in these topics is his core driver. Roel holds a master degree in Civil Engineering and Management from the University of Twente and was previously employed at the Institute for Geo-Information and Earth Observation (ITC).

– Stan Klerks, MSc. is a research scientist and consultant at TNO and holds a MSc in architecture and building engineering from Eindhoven University of Technology (NL). Before starting research activities at TNO he worked at a SME in architecture and planning. His core activities at TNO are developing concepts and strategies regarding to innovate the building practice, often in close relation with SME’s. The major themes on which this innovation takes place are energy-efficiency and resource efficiency.

– Tim Dijkmans, MSc. is a Research Scientist at TNO and holds a MSc degree in Architecture, Building and Planning from Eindhoven University of Technology (NL), with a specialization in Building Technology. He has professional experience in the architectural as well as the façade engineering industry. During his studies, he has conducted on-site research on the building process of a primary school in rural Nicaragua. In his graduation research he has developed both a concept and a strategy for energy efficient stepwise renovation of outdated terraced houses in The Netherlands.