
High level workshop on Effective Energy Efficiency Policy, New Financing Instruments and ESCO (10-11 October 2015, Italy)

Energosys presented the work in the session on Energy service market and ESCO in EU.


The workshop on EU energy market (October 2015)

Energosys was invited  by The DG Joint Research Centre – Institute for Energy and Transport to present some works from PROFICIENT.


Energy-efficient buildings (EeB) Info Day’ in Prague (October 2015)

Otto Villatoro from STU-K presented an outline of the PROFICIENT project as part of the event “Informační den cPPP partnerství Energy-efficient buildings (EeB) v Horizontu 2020”, which took place at the Technology Centre of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic on October 7th. The presentation was part of the afternoon session where Czech participants in EeB projects shared their experiences in such projects.


Collaborative Housing and Community Resilience’ UK (June 2015)

Lancaster Cohousing hosted a discussion about the CSO House platform with a group of 30 architects and academics.

Lancaster University present at the Nimble Spaces Conference, Carlow, Ireland. May 2015

Matthew MacDonald of Lancaster University presented an outline of the Proficient project as part of the plenary panel on at the Nimble Spaces: Ways to Live Together, New Cultures of Housing conference in Carlow, Ireland.  He shared the panel with Ann Phelan, T.D., Irish Minister of State for Housing. He also delivered a workshop on Sustainable Solutions for Collective Self-Organised Housing with the Camphill Community in Callan, Ireland.


LANCASTER UNIVERSITY present at a workshop on energy efficient housing, hosted by HUSBANKEN Oslo, Norway June 2014. 

On 16th June, 2014 Matthew MacDonald from Lancaster University presented a workshop in Oslo at a workshop on goals, market development and financial tools in energy efficiency housing, hosted by Are Rødsjø from Husbanken.  Matthew MacDonald delivered 2 presentations, on Soft and hard policies for energy efficiency in buildings, and Models for market change in Collective Self-Organised Housing incorporating results from the Proficient Deliverable 5.2 and discussing Proficient and the concept of CSO housing with delegates.  

TNO at International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM 2013)

On 10 and 11 October TNO was present at the 2013 International Conference on Construction and Real Estate Management (ICCREM2013) in Karlsruhe (Germany). The goals of PROFICIENT fit very well to conference topic “Construction and Operation in the Context of Sustainability”. The conference was hosted by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and co-sponsored by many universities from all over the world. Tim Dijkmans, one of the authors, presented the paper “Requirements of Decision Support Tools based on Total Cost of Ownership for Collective Self-Organised Housing”, in which the need for information in the earlier stages of the design process is emphasized.

Within PROFICIENT, tools are being developed, based on the specific requirements of CSO projects. The emphasis on the early design stages also fits with the concepts of value management and life cycle costing in facility management, which were topics of the key note speeches that were given at the conference by Prof. Geoffrey Shen (Hong Kong Polytechnic University) and Prof. Svein Bjørberg from NTNU (Norway). The paper is published by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE).