Becquerel Electric S.r.l. is an engineering company, with headquarters based in Reggio Emilia and branch offices in Bologna and Lamezia Terme. Its core business covers RES (renewable energy sources – photovoltaics, wind power, biomass, small and micro-hydropower) power plant development, design and consulting throughout the Italian territory. Becquerel is currently involved in various ways and at different level in several R&D projects such asurban small-wind turbines, photovoltaic condensers, architectural integration of photovoltaics systems, energy efficiency in buildings, LCA wind power technology testing.
Main roles in PROFICIENT
Becquerel Electric will lead the task regarding district energy infrastructure, within the work package dealing with technology solutions, also actively participating in the tasks related to building and energy systems. Optimisation of the existing EeB technology solutions and technical design guidelines, as well as in the work package addressing the SME network business models will be dealt with.
Key persons involved
Dr. Giacomo Bizzarri is an engineer and PhD in Energetic at University of Udine. He is currently an Assistant Professor in “Environmental Technical Physics” and “Industrial Technical Physics” at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture, where he is also Contract Professor of “Technologies of Environmental Protection and Restoration” and Vice-Director of the Research Centre “Architettura-Energia”. He is the chairman of the scientific referees committee in the European Project LIFE-LAKS (local accountability for Kyoto goals). Author of the Energy Plans for the Municipalities of Reggio Emilia and Parma, he is also author of more than 70 scientific papers (national and international journals and conferences) and designer and co designer of HVAC, wind power, photovoltaics and mini-hydro plants.
Mr. Enrico Matcovich is the CEO of Becquerel Electric. Throughout 2010 and 2011 he has been project manager of Becquerel’s Photovoltaics Division, managing to reach a total of 17 MW of fully authorized PV power plants. He was Becquerel Electric’s team leader in 7 competitive tenders in 2010, all of them ending successfully. He has broad experience in energy and design regulations and also in the due-diligence of potential investments within the PV sector.
Dr. Silvia Brunoro is an architect and PhD in Architectural Technology, she is Contract Professor at the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara. Since 2004 she is member of the LEM (Laboratory of research on Estate & environment Management) and since 2008 she is member of A>E Architettura Energia Research Centre at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara. She has been involved in many national and European research projects, such as the INTERREG II B project “Villas- stately homes and castles” (2004-2006), the ACTION COST C16 “Improving the quality of existing urban building envelopes” (2003-2007), and the ACTION COST TU0701 “Improving the quality of Suburban building stock” on the refurbishment and valorisation of not historical suburban areas in Europe. She is author of several publication concerning energy efficiency and sustainable design, mainly related to the envelope of the building. In 2006 she published the text “Energy efficiency of façades. Standards, needs and examples for the refurbishment”. Her main field of research are sustainable refurbishment, energy efficiency and innovation of technologies and materials.
Dr. Vittorino Belpoliti is an architect – Master Degree in Architecture with Hons. and Ph.D. in Energy Technologies. He is member of the Architettura>Energia Centre of the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. He is visiting researcher at the University of California, Berkeley (2006), visiting researcher at the University of Nottingham, UK (2010), visiting Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India (2010). He is currently contract Professor in Technology of Architecture, Environmental Design and Technical Systems at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. He is member of Rover divisione Atelier, architectural practice based in Bologna (Italy), awarded of several prizes in the field of sustainable design and valorisation of historical and archaeological sites. Author of National and International scientific papers. Research focuses mainly on existing building energy retrofit, with particular effort on the historical heritage.